I’m fully Burnout! – The stress of today’s society

I’m fully Burnout! – The stress of today’s society

Burnout is now more common than ever. Working late nights, ticking deadlines and feeling isolated from friends and family just to meet what we think is important. We get to a point where having an overloaded schedule seems normal. Meetings after meetings. Essay after essay. Paperwork after paperwork. We forget about the need to step back and place health above all and some of us reach this point when it is too late. We burnout and realise how important it is to prioritise our health.

What is burnout?

Burnout is the feeling of doing the same tasks over and over again until you have no more energy to keep going. It is that feeling of knowing the cycle won’t end and losing that motivation to continue. We tend to use extensive amount of coffee, energy drinks and sugar to push us through which can become a negative habit that builds over time. It is prolonged stress that builds up like a ticking time bomb until one day it all collapses above you. Different to stress, which is highly physical and caused by over-engagement however, burnout is overly emotional and can lead to disengagement and loss of motivation. This is more common than you might think when our technologies are in fact keeping us working overtime. We are always an e-mail, text or phone call away.

But I can stop what I am doing?!

Of course, life continues running we run our lives at our own pace. However, there is a simple solution that most know too late:

Taking a break.

Knowing that you need to spend time for yourself. In the effort to finish a project by a deadline, we need to remind ourselves we have so many other needs that should not be compensated. Exercise, healthy diets and surrounding ourselves with worthwhile people are all essential qualities that help us realise what is important and what workload we can handle.

How can I manage this?

Some simple steps you can begin today is to understand the right balance to time off while producing quality work. Also known as a work-life balance, it is the ability to take a break from your devices and simply be present at the moment. Forget about the deadlines and set aside time to relax, whether it is to read a book, making yourself a tea or going for a bike ride around the community (all which I love to do) are going to make you so much happier and relaxed. You will be replenishing your body and rewarding yourself for the little things in life. Some other activities you can set aside to do is:

  • Join volunteering programs: unleash your creativity and meet new people who will be just as passionate as you are in the organisation. Perhaps even joining our friendly team here at Mind For Life to create a healthier community.
  • Rest up! Today we are getting less sleep than ever which can decrease our motivation and productivity skills. Setting time to recharge is very important to feel more spirited the next morning
  • Exercise: Whether it is joining a club or going to the nearest park for a walk, 30 minutes is enough to release all that tension in your body for the better.

Now, there are many ways to make the most out of your time and understanding the worth of self-love. It is difficult to set boundaries and take a step back, however, once you know where to take a break, you will realise that your health is always the number one priority.

Disclaimer: This short read is for educational and/or awareness purposes only, please speak to a health professional if you are concerned or call Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 to seek professional advice.